How information professionals match up to information policy development.
The information and knowledge society calls for
skills in information policy analysis, design, implementation and evaluation.
Librarians, Records Managers and Archivists as well as often information
professionals need to be well versed in information policy analysis, design,
implementation and evaluation to enable them to contribute effectively in
information policy processes. In this paper the author is going to discuss how
information professionals match up to information policy development.
of terms
According to Mutongi K. (2012:4) Policy is a set of
principles guiding decision making. It provides a framework against which proposals
or activities can be tested and progress measured. Stueart and Moran (1994:42)
asserts that, ideally, a policy contains a definition of the problem being
addressed, a statement of goals (the desired state of affairs), and at least
the broad outline of the instruments (approaches and activities) by which the
goals are to be achieved. In actual practice, policy making is part of decision
making. Policies, while they are usually expressed in positive terms, are
essentially limiting in nature since they dictate courses of action and are
aimed at preventing deviation from that norm. The School of Information and
Library Science, University of Carolina defines policy as “The set of rules,
formal and informal, that directly restrict, encourage, or otherwise shape
flows of information. Information policy includes, literacy, privatization and
distribution of government information, freedom of information access,
protection of personal privacy, intellectual property rights and the like”.
Information professional had a major role to play
when it comes to information policy development. Reding (2005) says library,
managed by information professionals, is a district institution that plays
prominent role in shaping the society closely driven and guided by information
policy. The architecture of information provision stems out from this
institution as it has the expertise in acquiring, disseminating, organizing and
administering information. Thus information professionals are not only
collectors but also stewards safeguarding the nation’s heritage which in turn
assure quality of access for citizens.
It is only information professionals who are capable
to deliver their expertise in monitoring, regulating, shaping and implementing
activities such as trans-border data flow, national information system,
information expert and profession, information system, information expert and
profession, information skill, consent dissemination, laws related to books,
data usage and distribution, reading campaign, information retention, public
access, knowledge sharing, national bibliography, repository library,
acquisition of foreign publications, availability of information and book
access. With all this host of expertise the information professional is in a
good position in formulating information policy.
Orna (2008) suggests the development of information
policy be coordinated by an advisory committee representative of private
sector, local government, academics and professionals related to library and
information science. Nwosu and Ogboma (2010) says the role of library and
information professionals is even pivotal in the development of information policy.
The library and archives acts as gateways to the information resources on the
global superhigh ways.
Kargbo (2007) argues that matters relating to
information policies should be the responsibility of the library and the
information professionals. The library had a policy to select, organize and
disseminate information, in addition to handling issues related to it.
According to Gill (2001) and Kargo (2007), as well as information providers,
libraries need to be a developer. They play an instrumental role in the
information policy making, especially national information policies.
Scholars in the field of information policy commonly
use two approaches in the development of policies. Both general and specific
approaches focus on economic, social and cultural activities (Gray 1988). An
approach based on library and information policies can be seen clearly in the
classification of information policy as advocated by Bustamante (2007).
According to him, the information policy can be classified into eight groups.
These are public access policies, the promotion of reading habits and control
of book policy, science and technology policy, a policy regarding mapping and
statiscal information, a policy pertaining to the general public accessing to
government information, a traditional information policy; communication
technology related policies, and societal information policy.
There are two functions in this context that library
and information professionals could usefully perform. First, with the current
economic climate, policy emphasis is on efficiency savings and information
staff can show how good use of information can save money. Again, information
professionals could articulate to government the value and benefits of
information, both for itself and the public.
One of the functions of the library is the
dissemination of information. The library is assumed to play a crucial role in
policy implementation. Other than the library, there is no agency of government
that has a wide knowledge of the social significance of the accumulated
resources, of knowledge in the public domain. With this vast knowledge at the
hands of information professionals, they are positioned to play an important
role in the information policy development.
The library or information professionals had a duty
to create awareness on the said policy, ensuring feedback on policies,
educating the public on the new policy since information professionals are
trained to relate to members of the public. The libraries can create consortia;
it is only through co-operative endeavors and consolidated effort that
government policies can be effectively implemented. No single committee,
commission, agency or institution can single handedly ensure an effective
implementation of any government policy. The library or information
professionals can aid in the development of new policies by providing the
necessary information on government policies which is turn aids the development
of such policies as well as improving on the existing ones.
The author had discussed how information
professionals match up to information policy development by having expertise to
acquire, disseminate, organize and administer information, monitoring,
regulating, shaping and implementing activities to do with information sharing.
Information professional promote efficiency in savings and show how good use of
information can save money for the government.
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Information Policy, Information Policymaking in the UK; The Role of The
Information Professionals, United Kingdom.
Paul T., Olaifa, Oluwakeni O, 2011, The Role of
Libraries and Information Centres in Government Policy Implementation in
Nigeria, LIP Journal, Nigeria.
Gray J. (1979), National Policies for Scientific and
Technical Information: The United Kingdom” Journal of Information Science, USA.
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Etiwel Mutero holds a Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Records and Archives Management through the Zimbabwe Open University and a National Certificate in Records and Archives Management from Kwekwe Polytechnic.You can contact him on + +263773614293 or
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