Compare and contrast Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs with Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory.
various behavioral theories long generally believed and embraced by American
business are those of Frederick Herzberg and Abraham Maslow. Herzberg, a
psychologist, proposed a theory about job factors that motivate employees.
Maslow, a behavioral scientist and contemporary of Herzberg's, developed a
theory about the rank and satisfaction of various human needs and how people
pursue these needs. These theories are widely cited in the business literature.
In this paper the author is going to compare and contrast Maslow’s Hierarchy of
needs with Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory.
of Terms
According to the
Wikipedia the Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene
theory and dual-factor theory) states that there are
certain factors in the workplace that cause job satisfaction, while a separate
set of factors cause dissatisfaction on the other hand Maslow wanted to understand what motivates people. He believed
that people possess a set of motivation systems unrelated to rewards or unconscious
(1943) stated that people are motivated to achieve certain needs. When one need
is fulfilled a person seeks to fullfil the next one, and so on.
According to Ummamina
(2010)The similarities are as follows: Both theories confer that a specific set
of needs must be met in order to propiciate behavior, and maintain it. In
Manslow's theory, it is through a Hierarchy of Needs. In Herzberg's
theory it is through a 2 way paradigm in which two specific needs must be met
and they are hygiene (basic physical and psychological needs) and motivation.
The main difference is
that Manslow is more specific in terms of categorizing the areas of human need
and includes less concrete areas such as emotions and other feelings. Herzberg
is more specific in what psysiological and concrete things must be present to
produce motivation. Also, Herzberg's ultimate goal is for motivation to be the prevailing
attitude among individuals (quite clearly a need for a good quality of life),
while Manslow's main goal is for needs to be met in order for an individual to
develop in a healthy mental and physical way.
According to Akranni
(2011) Maslow’s theory is based on the concept of human needs and their
satisfaction while Hertzberg’s theory is based on the use of motivators which
include achievement, recognition and opportunity for growth. On the basis of
theory Maslow’s theory is based on the hierarchy of human needs. He identified
five sets of human needs ( on priority basis) and their satisfaction in
motivating employees while Hertzberg refers to hygiene factors and motivating
factors in his theory. Hygiene factors are dissatisfies while motivating factors
motivate subordinates. Hierarchical arrangement of needs is not given.
On the nature of
theory, Maslow’s theory is rather simple and descriptive. The theory is based
on long experience about human needs. Herzberg’s theory is more prescriptive.
It suggests the motivating factors which can be effectively. This theory is
based on actual information collected by Hertzberg by interviewing 200
engineers and accountants.
On applicability of
the theory, Maslow’s theory is most popular and widely cited theory of
motivation and has wide applicability. It is mostly applicable to poor and
developing countries where money is still a big motivating factors. Herzberg’s
theory is an extension of Maslow’s theory of motivation.Its applicability is
narrow. It is applicable to rich and developed countries where money is less
important motivating factor.
Maslow’s theory or
model is descriptive in nature while Herzberg’s theory or model is prescriptive
in nature. According to Maslow’s model, any need can act as motivator provided
it is not satisfied or relatively less satisfied. In the dual factor model of
Herzberg, hygiene factors do not act as motivators.Only the higher order needs
act as motivators.
On applicability of
the theory, Maslow’s theory is most popular and widely
However, there
similarities which are as follows:Both use a hierarchical scale..where one stage must first be
fully or largely completed before advancing to the next stage,both are based on
the argument that "we behave as we do because we are attempting to fulfill
internal needs." (Bartol et al., 2005) i.e. needs theory.They both specify the criteria as to what
motivates people. However, this is controversial because entrepenuers and
people from different cultures have different values and norms, and therefore
have different criteria or have criteria which are percieved as more important
e.g. Greek and Japanese employees stated that safety and physiological needs
are more important to them, where as employees from Norway and Sweden saw
belongingness needs as being more important.
hygiene idea corresponds with Manslow's Physiological, Safety and Belongingness
needs i.e. they both have the same critieria (basic pay, work conditions
etc...) Also, Herzberg's motivators idea corresponds with Manslow's Esteem and
Self-Actualisation needs i.e. they both have the same criteria (recognition,
growth, achievement etc...).Both theories are influenced by environmental
conditions, employee attitudes and as a result, their motivation. These
influence an employees performance.
Herzberg's paradigm of hygiene and motivating factors and Maslow's hierarchy of
needs may still have broad applicability in the business world, at least one
aspect of each, salary as a hygiene factor (Herzberg) and esteem as a lower
order need than self-actualization (Maslow), does not seem to hold in the case
of elementary and secondary school teachers. These findings may begin to
explain why good teachers are being lost to other, higher paying positions and
to help administrators focus more closely on the esteem needs of teachers,
individually and collectively.
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F. K., & Tutor, F. D. (1990). "A Challenge to the Conventional Wisdom
of Herzberg and Maslow Theories." Paper presented at the Nineteenth Annual
Meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA.
F., Mausner, B., & Snyderman, B. B. (1959). The Motivation to Work (2nd
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Etiwel Mutero is an archivist by profession.If you need assistance on your assignment or if you need a workshop on records and archives management contact him on +263773614293
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