Constitution of The Records and Archives Management Student Association of Zimbabwe [RAMSAZ]

Constitution of The Records and Archives Management Student Association of Zimbabwe [RAMSAZ]


We, the members of Records and Archives Management Students Association of Zimbabwe do hereby establish this Constitution in order that our purpose be realized to its fullest extent.
Article I - Name
The name of the organization will be Records and Archives Management Students Association of Zimbabwe henceforth referred to as RAMSAZ

Article II - Purpose
RAMSAZ is established for the expressed purpose of:-

      1 –Networking all Records, Archives and Library and Information Science students and staff from colleges, polytechnic   and universities in Zimbabwe
2 -Organizing social and sporting activities for records, archive and Information Science students and professionals.
3 -Help Records and Archives Management Students share essays and assignments through the publication of a student bulletin.
4 -Advocate for the recognition of the records and archives management as a profession, equal to other Information Science Management disciplines in Zimbabwe.
5 -Assist member to get study attachments.
RAMSAZ understands and is committed to fulfilling its responsibilities of abiding by The Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education Zimbabwe rules and regulations.
Article III - Membership
-Active membership shall be limited to persons officially connected with the Zimbabwean Colleges, Polytechnics and Universities as faculty, staff or registered students from the departments of Records, Archives or Library and Information Science Management.

-Each training institution will constitute a chapter, which shall affiliate to the National Organization, only members from affiliated institution will be legible for election.
-Payment in full of financial obligations as determined by RAMSAZ
-Attendance of at least 75% of all meetings during a given semester.
-Active participation in all activities sponsored by RAMSAZ    unless the activity interferes with either scholastic or financial constraints.
RAMSAZ openly admits students to its membership and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, personal appearance, age, national origin, political affiliation, physical or mental disability.
Article IV - Officers
RAMSAZ will be governed by the following means:

An elected President will preside at all meetings of RAMSAZ the President will maintain the power to appoint all committee chairpersons, shall present all motions to the body present and shall be present at 90% of the meetings of RAMSAZ
RAMSAZ shall also maintain a Vice President. The Vice President's duties shall be to preside at all meetings and functions that the President cannot attend.
The founding president shall elect a Secretary-Treasurer who will handle all dues, accounts, new members, rule observances at stated meetings, protocol, etc.
The role and duties of the advisor[s] shall include attending meetings, providing counsel to the organization's officers.
The social and Sporting Activities Coordinator will be responsible for organizing all social and sporting activities of the organization.
The Editor will be responsible for the publication of the association’s bulletin.
Other officers may be elected as determined by the Executive Committee .
There shall be a Council of Elders who shall ratify all the decisions all Executive Committee. The council of Elders shall comprise of the founding members of the society.
Article V - Operations
1. Voting Eligibility
Those members meeting all requirements of active membership as set forth in Article III will be granted voting privileges.

2. Election Process
All officers shall be elected by a majority vote of eligible voting members of RAMSAZ .All elections will be held on an annual basis during the month of December
The President will take nominations from the floor, the nomination process must be closed and the movement seconded. The nominated parties will be allowed to vote.
All voting shall be done by secret ballot to be collected and tabulated by the Secretary-Treasurer and one voting member of RAMSAZ appointed by the outgoing President.
3. Removal
Any officer of
RAMSAZ Executive Committee member in violation of the Organization's purpose or constitution may be removed from office by the following process:
a. A written request by at least three members of the Organization.
b. Written notification to the officer of the request, asking the officer to be present at the next meeting and prepared to speak.
c. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Executive Committee Members is necessary to remove the officer.

4. Meetings
All meetings will occur as announced by RAMSAZ and will follow the procedure set forth below:

  • Attendance
  • Report by the President
  • Committee reports
  • Vote on all committee motions and decisions
  • Any other business put forward by the members of the club
  • Dismissal by the President
Article VI - Finances
RAMSAZ will finance the activities it engages in by the following means:
Membership dues
RAMSAZ will also look for donor funding
Article VII - Amendments
The constitution is binding to all members of the RAMSAZ. But the constitution is not binding unto itself.
Amendments to the constitution may be proposed in writing by any voting member of RAMSAZ at any meeting at which 2/3 of the voting members is present at chapter level or at the national level.
These amendments will be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting of the executive council or other officer grouping.
Proposed amendments will become effective following approval of two-thirds (2/3)-majority vote of active members at Annual Congress of RAMSAZ in December and ratified by the Council of Elders.

Etiwel Mutero published a booklet of his articles titled Records,Archives &Information Science-College and University Articles.Articles found on this blogg and others are also included in the book which is found as a hard copy CD or as an ebook.To order the book or a single article please contact Etiwel Mutero through his phone 00263773614293 or email


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