The Role of Communication in Peace Building
This article defines the word communication and explains how communication can help achieve peace and stability in the world.The article explains how communication especially the print and electronic media help in creating and exchanging meanings,and show that there is intereletionships between media and conflict.It goes on to say the media can be a good peace builder if rightly used.A full text of this article is 1366 words and 6 pages long. The Role of Communication in Peace Building The world is bedeviled with conflicts. Analysts indicate that there seem to be an increase in these conflicts over the last hundred years. The million dollar question is, how can these conflicts be resolved? In this paper the author is going to explain the role of communication in peace building. To start with, the word communication can be defined as ''...the creation and exchange of meaning'' Dimbleby [1992]. Show J.W. 1992 defines communication as ''...a symb...