
key issues considered relevant in a microfilming project.

INTRODUCTION Preservation is about linking the past with the future. It is about passing on cultural knowledge and information from one generation for the benefit of the next. Preservation helps to make heritage for the use to current and future generations either in its original format or in another usable way. Over centuries many societies have preserved their cultural heritage in a variety of ways.One of those preservation measures includes microfilming. In this paper the author is going to identify and explain the key issues considered relevant in a microfilming programming. DEFINITION OF TERMS Microfilming according to Chiwanza and Tsvuura  (2011:62) “is the photographic process of creating miniaturized images of records on high-resolution film.” According to Millar and Roper (1999:114) microfilming concentrates information into a compact and relatedly easy-to-use form, so that information from many records may be stored in a small space and read using microfilm or microf

An Assessment of the Effectiveness of Records Management Practices at the Department of Physical Planning Estates and Works NUST

                               ZIMBABWE OPEN UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF APPLIED SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT . by etiwel mutero Student Number: P1036139r A research project submitted to the Zimbabwe Open University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in records and archives management Zimbabwe  Open University Harare, Zimbabwe Year 2014 Zimbabwe Open University Approval Form The undersigned certify that they have read and recommended to the Zimbabwe Open University a research project entitled: EFFECTIVENESS OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL WORKS PLANNING AND ESTATES AT NUST Submitted by Etiwel Mutero in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Records and Archives Management. ......................................................................................................