
The Governance and Recordkeeping Around the World Newsletter - Library and Archives Canada

The Governance and Recordkeeping Around the World Newsletter - Library and Archives Canada Etiwel Mutero works for the National University of Science and Technology,he holds a Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Records and Archives Management through the Zimbabwe Open University and a National Certificate in Records and Archives Management from Kwekwe Polytechnic.You can contact him on 0773614293 or


REGISTER FOR THIS WORKSHOP BELOW Etiwel Mutero works for the National University of Science and Technology,he holds a Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Records and Archives Management through the Zimbabwe Open University and a National Certificate in Records and Archives Management from Kwekwe Polytechnic.You can contact him on 0773614293 or


Guaranteed to make you get prepared against disasters and emergencies that may affect your organization including your records and libraries, the workshop is organized by RAIMSOSA CONSULTANCY AND MARKETING CC, a consultancy registered in Namibia. VANUES: Esikhoveni Training Centre Esigodhini(Bulawayo-Gwanda Rd)Zimbabwe DATES: 1-4 April 2018 WORKSHOP FEES –US$200 (includes teas only) ENROLL TODAY Hurry, our seats fill fast. Participants who will pay their workshop fees by the 15th of March 2018 will get a FREE T-Shirt. ALL OF OUR SEMINARS ARE 100% SATISFACTORY GUARANTEED!! We are confident this seminar will help you protect your employees, organizational assets, records, archives and libraries against emergencies and disasters. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? This program was designed to benefit ALL employees including middle and senior managers in public and private sector organizations who have a duty to protect organizational assets in...

RAMSOZ takes information governance to a new level in Zimbabwe

The 18 th of February 2016 was the Global Information Governance Day or GIGD a day which occurs on the third Thursday in February each year. The purpose of the day is to raise awareness of information governance. It is unfortunate that in Zimbabwe the day passed without any national event to commemorate the importance of information governance. Information governance according to Wikipedia is the enforcement of desirable behaviour in the creation, use, archiving, and deletion of corporate information. There has been a debate on the differences between information governance and records management, with some saying it is the same discipline while others contending that they are related subjects with a slight difference. The later say records management deals with the retention and disposition of records while information governance deals with the privacy, confidentiality of corporate information. Information governance if rightly implemented by organizations dramatically reduce cos...

College & University Essays in Records & Library Management - Etiwel Mutero : Book Country

Etiwel Mutero recently released his e-book.Visit the following link and order your copy today.A hardcopy of the same book will be released shortly in Zimbabwe. College & University Essays in Records & Library Management - Etiwel Mutero : Book Country Etiwel Mutero HOLDS Honours Degree in Records and Archives Management through the Zimbabwe Open University and a National Certificate in Records and Archives Management from Kwekwe Polytechnic.You can contact him on 00264817871070 or

College & University Essays in Records & Library Management - Etiwel Mutero : Book Country

Etiwel Mutero recently released his e-book.Visit the following link and order your copy today.A hardcopy of the same book will be released shortly in Zimbabwe. College & University Essays in Records & Library Management - Etiwel Mutero : Book Country Etiwel Mutero HOLDS Honours Degree in Records and Archives Management through the Zimbabwe Open University and a National Certificate in Records and Archives Management from Kwekwe Polytechnic.You can contact him on 00264817871070 or

Ted Wilson Coming to Zimbabwe

Etiwel Mutero  holds a Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Records and Archives Management through the Zimbabwe Open University and a National Certificate in Records and Archives Management from Kwekwe Polytechnic.You can contact him on 0773614293 or