Guaranteed to make you get prepared against disasters and emergencies that may affect your organization including your records and libraries, the workshop is organized by RAIMSOSA CONSULTANCY AND MARKETING CC, a consultancy registered in Namibia. VANUES: Esikhoveni Training Centre Esigodhini(Bulawayo-Gwanda Rd)Zimbabwe DATES: 1-4 April 2018 WORKSHOP FEES –US$200 (includes teas only) ENROLL TODAY Hurry, our seats fill fast. Participants who will pay their workshop fees by the 15th of March 2018 will get a FREE T-Shirt. ALL OF OUR SEMINARS ARE 100% SATISFACTORY GUARANTEED!! We are confident this seminar will help you protect your employees, organizational assets, records, archives and libraries against emergencies and disasters. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? This program was designed to benefit ALL employees including middle and senior managers in public and private sector organizations who have a duty to protect organizational assets in...