Differences and similarities of the elite and incremental policy theory models
It is very necessary that librarians, records managers, archivists and other information science professionals be well versed in information policy analysis, design, implementation and evaluation in order for them to contribute effectively in the information policy processes. In this paper the author is going to compare and contrast between the Incremental and the Elite theory models of Information policy. The author is going to define the terms policy model, incremental and elite theory models. Haynes and Mickelson [1997:58] say “a model is a representative of some aspect of real world designed to yield insight into or to focus attention on a specific segment of t.” The incremental theory of policy model is defined by www.answers .com as follows: ‘Incremental policy making looks at existing programs or policies and uses these as a foundation to implement change.” Mutongi [2012:52] simply defines the incremental policy model as largely a continuation of past policies marked only by...